I'm Ali & this is my story...


I'm an Intimacy Mentor & Tibetan Buddhist practitionerwith over a decade of experience mentoring both women & men in the realm of conscious relationship, deep intimacy, intuitive development, sacred union & shadow alchemy. I consider myself a potent activator & catalyst for accelerated spiritual growth.

Your pleasure is a prayer that brings you back to life.

In my world, eros is the pulse of life, sex is holy & sensuality is sacred. I'll teach you to harness your erotic power through ancient tantric practices, as you learn to cultivate deep intimacy so you're fully claimed in Sacred Union, experiencing the magic of hot, electric sex & feeling turned-on beyond the bedroom, radiant & beaming with erotic essence (in even the most mundane moments).

In my group & 1:1 containers, we delve into exploration of tantric sacred sexuality practices from respected teachers like Tom Kenyon & Mantak Chia, along with somatic sensual embodiment. I also offer spiritual tools rooted in a direct ancient lineage of Tibetan Buddhism that have led to enlightenment for thousands of years - like specific meditation practices & Buddhist philosophy.

Become a love that doesn't leave. 

I truly believe Love & Union are the highest devotional paths to enlightenment. When you commit to love, your soul evolves.

In relationship, you see yourself entirely in the other if you're courageous enough to look clearly in the mirror & navigate the fiery alchemy of conscious connection...without running away or totally collapsing when it gets hard. The heat can be so intense at times you feel like you're going to be obliterated, but really it's just aspects of your egoic mental constructs that need to be purified for you to get free. This is also why I became a Buddhist, so I'd have the tools to do this without going off the rails! 

Honestly, I live to swim in the depths of feelings & personally I thrive in an intense range of experience. In fact, I've been this way since I was a kid. I'm talking: 7 years old & crying, while  listening to 80's love ballads on my Walkman...before I'd had any "adult" experience. I came out of the womb encoded for Deep Intimacy & Shadow Work, lol! 

Love makes me feel the most alive.

It inspires me.

It fuels me.

I'm devoted to Love entirely in this lifetime; and not just romantic love, but the true force of love that can't even be defined. 

If you're called to the path of Sacred Union, it's because you're here to anchor in a new template for conscious relationship, rooted in unconditional love, truth & integrity on this planet

Conscious Partnership is an accelerated container for spiritual evolution.

I'm here to teach you how to keep your heart open in all circumstances, no matter what; how to actually love people ~ not use your attention/affection as a way to control, punish, manipulate or push your agenda.

Sacred Partnership is the ultimate mirror, as your lover will illuminate everything within you & bring it into your conscious awareness for integration -  from the light to the dark. You can never escape yourself on this path. Love will ask you to get uncomfortable, baby! And that's why I'm here to support you. Through the beautiful parts & the super-challenging ones as well, because let's be real - growth & purifying the shadow can also feel like shit, lol! We have to be available for the full experience. 

At the end of the day, total commitment to love is the path to freedom.


As of 2024, I've had over 12 years of extensive training in intuitive development as a healing arts practitioner, intimacy coach & spiritual entrepreneur, serving hundreds of people 1:1 & thousands of others via social media platforms like YouTube & Instagram.

I went to my first Hatha yoga & meditation class in 1999 & have been involved for 25+ years in this industry, including training in a 200 hour YTT, private mentorship as a Meditation Teacher in the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, taking first set of Buddhist vows in Spring 2024 & ongoing dharma studies with Three Jewels Enlightenment Studio, New York City. I've also studied Tantric Arts & the Magdalene Mysteries with some deeply embodied feminine mentors. 

My spare time is spent making curated music playlists & mood boards on Pinterest, telling dirty jokes, drinking copious amounts of espresso & speaking Italian, going on hot girl walks in my city & being an eternal romantic.

Find me on Instagram & listen/follow the Hot & Holy podcast on Apple or Spotify




College: Bachelor's Degree in Communications & Fine Arts, specializing in painting

5-Star Sales & Marketing/Hospitality, 2006-2011: The Ritz-Carlton, NYC & opening executive team of Trump SoHo, NYC

Health & Wellness:

-Certified as a Holistic Health Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC in 2012

-Equinox-Trained Mat Pilates Teacher NYC & Barre Teacher Miami

Professional training in Healing & Spiritual Arts from 2012+: 

-Usui Reiki Master, 2012

-Licensed Massage Therapist for 5+ years, 2013+

-Tarot Reader & Astrologer, 2013+

-Akashic Records Consultant, trained with Gabrielle Orr, 2014

-Feng Shui Consultant, Feng Shui from the Heart with Inessa Freylekhman, 2017

-200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, 2018 (have practiced both yoga and meditation in various forms since 1999)

-Teachings of Tom Kenyon, 2015+

-Tantric teachings of Psalm Isadora, 2016

-Magdalene Tantric Priestess training (with Chloe Mercer of @sacred_rose_mystery_school) , 2020-21

-Sensual Embodiment Facilitator Training with Desiree Monique (@sensualsomatic), 2022

-Vows Holder of Tibetan Buddhism - Dharma & Meditation, 2024+ (currently in process of studying the 18 Foundational Buddhist Courses as offered through the Asian Classics Institute, which parallels what a Geshe (Doctor of Theology) learns at a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism with Three Jewels [@threejewelsnyc] studio in New York City & trained by a private mentor as a Meditation Teacher in that tradition)