For true, lasting breakthroughs, you need to go deeper... 


...and 1:1 Mentorship is where we get to do exactly that, in an intimate & personalized setting, for 3 months together.


This mentorship space is different from my other containers: here, we get to design the 3-month experience based on what you personally need the most.

I've been working with people all over the world as an Intuitive & Relationship Mentor for over 10 years & after hundreds of successful 1:1 sessions & many mentorship clients, my gift to you is getting right to the root of your issue & clearly identifying the core pattern(s) that have been keeping you stuck or confused, in very little time. From there, I'll be able to guide you effectively over the course of 3-months with support, tools & resources from my decade of spiritual coaching experience.

My methodology is: I draw from over a decade of experience as a healing arts & spiritual practitioner, as well as my time intimacy coaching. I've got a VAST library of tools to share with you, which I'll hand select,  depending on your needs over the 3 months.

When I'm offering support on your 1:1 calls, I use a combination of channeled intuitive guidance (which I start to receive as soon as we begin talking & sometimes even before we connect 1:1...because that's how my intuition works), along with divination tools like tarot or oracle cards for even more detailed support if it feels right.

On some calls we might move through a guided meditation or embodiment practice together. Others, we may just chat. The structure of this container is flexible, so I can adjust it to meet your specific needs & desires.  

"Prioritizing my own needs for three months & building the self-trust & courage to take bigger chances paid off..."


The 3 months with Ali helped me simplify the goals that I was going after (so they felt achievable), create space & time in my life to stop getting in my own way & find joy in the smaller things rather than being so destination-focused, although some big things did come to fruition during the 3 months, like:

-getting engaged

-progression & growth in my career (I'm in the works to eventually run our family company)

-finding new, consistent creative outlets (something I'd been ignoring before)

-finally passing a big exam for a professional work-related driver's license

-and dynamics in my relationships opening up & improving for the better

Some major shifts I experienced during our 3 months were:

  • I started off super-stagnant & frustrated, because I was SO focused on work that I noticed I wasn't prioritizing my own needs, fun or intimate connection with life. From using the daily morning pages & going on weekly Artist dates, it shifted my emotional baseline to something much more positive & I started believing in myself enough to follow the breadcrumbs of inspiration
  • Whereas I began our mentorship struggling with self-trust & feeling deep insecurities around: my job, myself & intimacy in different forms (romantic & platonic), by spending time each week going in-depth to carve out personal quality time & create new neural pathways for self-confidence & trust, it  allowed me to be open to new opportunities that I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise
  • At the start of this experience, I knew some big changes were needed in my life & I was creating a lot of internal drama about it, rather than just focusing on taking one small step at a time & by end of the 3 months, the way I approached decision-making shifted, allowing me to go more with the flow of life & take risks. Building the self-trust & courage to take bigger chances paid off!

The biggest gift from this space was having the support to prioritize my creative self for once (our primary framework was using the book, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, for our time together because creative, playful expression was the one thing I felt was lacking from my life).

I also received the encouragement to meet my own needs first (making sure my cup was full, so I could show up in a healthier, more joyful way for work & in my other relationships, without feeling burned out or resentful), being able to openly share the ups & downs of this process with Ali & most importantly, I had the freedom to be self-led while also having the option to lean on her when necessary.

Ali holds a really loving container for growth!

-Torie S. 

Areas that we can explore during 1:1 mentorship: 


  • Cultivating a daily meditation practice, offering you practices to use (as well as additional pranayama yogic breathwork) & accountability in creating a consistent practice, all centered in the Gelugpa lineage & Mahayana school of Tibetan Buddhism (specific meditation techniques & dharma/Buddhist philosophy included)
  • Conscious Relationship, Deeper Intimacy + Sacred Union - creating deeper emotional & physical intimacy, conscious communication, moving through fears of commitment or avoidance of conflict/people-pleaser tendencies that block deep intimacy, sensual/sexual embodiment, preparing for Union & more
  • Sensual & somatic embodiment practices & sexual alchemy tools - These are essential for my overthinkers who feel disconnected from their body/intuition/sensual side & for women who tend to overanalyze & intellectualize everything; this is how you'll start dropping out of your head & grounding into your body (I have an archive of practices to pull from, including your free access to the Return of Venus program while we're working together)
  • Career challenges and/or transitions of any kind, including a shift into a more soul-aligned career (including 9 to 5) or becoming a full-time spiritual entrepreneur
  • Personal Power, Radical Responsibility & Visionary Leadership
  • Improving your money flow & expanding your capacity to build & sustain abundance - through meditation (to rewire the subconscious mind) & embodiment (to strengthen your nervous system) practices


& as a Bonus:


For women: For the duration of our 3 months together, you'll have free access to the Get Unstuck Toolkit & my signature 5-week self-paced Return of Venus course (value $444 USD) - click here for details which includes 5 modules of Sacred Feminine Embodiment content by theme with guided visualizations, yogic breathwork, somatic + sensual embodiment resources, sexual alchemy tools + the entire bonus section (which includes former free offerings, masterclasses + more)

For men: For the duration of our 3 months together, you'll have free access to the Beyond Comparison Audio & Meditation Series


The structure is:


  • 3 Months of 1-1 Support via private Telegram chat, during office hours 4-5 days/week
  • 3 Monthly Zoom calls (three 60 minute calls per month) - with one week off per month, for integration purposes
  • MASSIVE expansion, with a variety of tools + practices to support your spiritual growth & strengthen your daily practice, deepen in (self) intimacy, cultivate conscious relationships/sacred union in partnership & take radical ownership of your personal power


Here are the kinds of resources you'll receive:


  • Tibetan Buddhist Guided Meditations, recorded by yours truly, with the themes (love, abundance, purification, etc.) that support your personalized needs
  • Sensual & Somatic Embodiment practices to drop out of your head & into your body, create deeper intimacy & have a meditative practice that isn't just working from the neck-up (especially good for my over-thinkers & those who need more grounding & sensual awareness)
  • Complimentary Access to my Meditation Membership for the 3-months that we're together, so you can hop into any of the live weekly practices
  • For women only: Free Access to my signature 5-week Return of Venus self-study course on Sacred Feminine Embodiment (value $444 USD)
  • Specific book recommendations (there are 3 books I use in my women's group mentorship, Rose Temple, so I might recommend some or all of these so we can work with the exercises while we're together)
  • And more...

3-months of 1:1 Mentorship: 

starting at $1111 USD per month


What happens after you submit your application:

Once I receive your completed application, I'll respond back to you within 48 hours.

If I feel that a complimentary discovery call is necessary before enrolling, I'll let you know via email so we can schedule it ASAP.

Once the application process is complete, I'll email you the payment link (I have a pay in full or payment plan option) to finish the enrollment process.