

Are you a woman ready to deepen in self-intimacy, feel radiant & sexy in your own skin & prepare to be fully claimed in Sacred Union?

The intention of Return of Venus, my signature 5-week self-led program, is to drop out of your head & into your body - the vessel of your own feminine frequency - through a combination of slowing down, opening your heart & exploring gentle yin energetics with daily meditative sensual embodiment practices, weekly journaling prompts & supplemental guided visualizations.

Listen up, gorgeous...

how would you like to:


🌹Slow way down & live a more sensual lifestyle, without guilt or fears of scarcity creeping in

🌹Have a short & sweet daily "self-care" ritual that doubles as a spiritual practice & helps you feel refreshed & radiant in as few as 10 minutes a day

🌹Cultivate relationships that are mutually nourishing,  supportive safe havens, where you feel seen & cherished

🌹Prepare yourself for a tantric Conscious Partnership in Sacred Union, one where your intimacy is a pathway to higher consciousness, by creating an inner sense of safety in your body, integrating your emotional range with full ownership & unlocking your sacred sexual energy through meditation & embodiment practice

🌹Be so tuned into your intuitive wisdom that you don't need to frantically call a psychic or your bestie for advice when life gets tough, because you trust your own inner guidance that deeply

🌹Feel capable of staying calm & graceful - no matter what wild plot twists the Universe throws your way

🌹Look in the mirror & feel radiant, sexy, confident + secure in your own skin

🌹Tap into your sensuality & primal sexual energy by way of embodiment practices (instead of trying to intellectualize these concepts)

🌹Reclaim your pleasure. while gently releasing any guilt, fear or shame, especially related to sensuality/sex

🌹Learn how integrate your "dark feminine" energy with love & compassion (instead of avoiding or rejecting it) & alchemize it into your power - aka: how to "do" shadow work via meditative & somatic practices

🌹Release distorted conditioning/beliefs around the Feminine or Masculine, including: mother/sisterhood or father/masculine wounds that repel connection & intimacy, anger/mistrust/resentment towards women or men, jealousy, envy, etc.

🌹Confidently take up space, own your most authentic self-expression & feel safe to embody your fullness, regardless of who gets bothered or activated by it

🌹Most importantly - know that in order for all of this to be your reality, you actually don't need to live like a perfect little monk who meditates for 3 hours a day + you don't need to cut out your manicures, Netflix binges, carbs or your dark sense of humor, either ;)

If this is resonating, you're in the right place, babe.

This is not a pipe dream.

It’s not a fantasy.

And it's most definitely not “too good to be true”. 

It's my REALITY and that of many of my clients. 

Want a little *free* taste?

Get instant access to this two-part Sensual Embodiment Series

Deepen the intuitive & sensual connection to your own body, amplify your radiance & awaken your sexual life-force energy

includes: Infinity Breath Embodiment Practice (11 minutes) & Sensuality Embodiment Practice (23 minutes)

Enter your info below & you'll receive a welcome email, along with the two video links for the complimentary embodiment practices:

*your email is safe with us, we'll never send you spam*

Your body is your temple and she's calling you back home.

She's your bridge between heaven & earth.

She's your oracle & Divine vessel.


🌹What if your body was your sacred sanctuary & most trusted source of wisdom, rather than a burden or something broken that needs "fixing"? 

🌹What if you were to open to love by embodying the love you yearn for in your relationships, so your inner union becomes an energetic match for Sacred Union with another?

🌹What if you knew your worthiness as a state of being, not as external validation that you need to chase outside of yourself?

🌹What if you knew how powerful it is to unapologetically & compassionately embrace all aspects of yourself, from the light to the darkest of dark parts, because you're whole & complete as you are

Know that all of this is possible.

Return of Venus is a spiritual & sensual roadmap back home to yourself. 

This tools & practices inside are designed to be easily integrated into your daily life, while also being powerful resources for you to come back to again & again, long after you've completed the course

"The embodiment practices & taking things at a slower pace have me feeling better than I have in years, plus it's unlocked some very passionate energy in my relationship..."


I just want to say that the embodiment practices & taking things at a slower pace have me feeling both mentally & physically better than I have in years. I'm even experiencing a sense of renewed contentment at work, which has been a huge source of stress for a long time. I'm finding it easier to enjoy small pleasures throughout the day (laughing with co-workers, reading during breaks). I used to be obsessed with the "how" of everything, but now I have this peaceful feeling that good things are coming in their own time. Plus, learning how to just "be" has unlocked some very passionate energy in my relationship, which is always an added bonus! I'm so grateful for this space Ali held & for the path that's unfolding for me. 

-Ellen F. 


Deepen in self-intimacy, with heart-centered, feminine spiritual practice


Become the love you're seeking by embodying this love through sacred feminine practice. Self-intimacy is the foundation of all the other relationships in your life. You can only go as deeply with another as you're willing to go with yourself.

Through daily spiritual practice, you'll raise your consciousness to become a magnet to more evolved relationships & the sacred partnership your heart desires most. 


Enhance the connection to your body & to the Divine through sensual embodiment practices


You'll become attuned with your body as an intuitive oracle through gentle daily sensual embodiment practice, helping you to enhance your connection to your own physical vessel, as well as strengthen your connection with the Divine. 

You'll dissolve any fear of pleasure or resistance around the embodiment of your sensuality & sexual energy. These practices also help you prepare for intimate, sexual connection in Sacred Relationship that serves as a tantric pathway of higher consciousness. 

Return of Venus is for you if you are...


✧stuck in your head & feeling disconnected from your body

✧running in over-drive & out-of-touch with your receptive, intuitive, sensual side

✧feeling called to create a consistent spiritual practice & excited to learn new ways to merge your sensuality & sexual life-force energy with a devotional path

✧noticing that your nervous system feels frazzled, so you’re stuck in a comfort zone or avoiding change altogether, even though you know it's time to take a leap of faith

burned out & emotionally-depleted, because "self-care" has been on the back-burner & you've had fears or guilt creep in that things "won't get done" if you take the rest you need

✧intrigued about how the path of sacred sex & spirituality are deeply intertwined & want to learn how to integrate this into your life & relationships

✧single & wanting to cultivate intimate relationship with yourself and Source

✧done attracting unavailable or non-committal lovers who aren't able to fully meet you & you're ready to do the work to come into inner Union, so that you're embodying the qualities that draw in a loving Conscious Partnership

✧whether you're single or partnered, you're ready to cultivate a Sacred Union - the kind of partnership where you're cherished & restoring the template of sacred relationship, while also understanding how the connection serves as a spiritual practice & path to the Divine

constantly feeling like “I’m not doing enough” & have a hard time slowing down, surrendering control issues & trusting when things are quiet

✧still heavily identifying with the belief that “success only comes from hard work & sacrifice”, yet deep down you know there's a reality where you get to experience abundance AND honor your energetic & emotional cycles as a woman

doing things like: hiding at home in your sweatpants because you're not feeling confident in your body or downing a pint of ice cream to emotionally soothe yourself - bottom line: you want to feel more radiant & energized, from the inside out

✧wanting to prioritize pleasure + play, but resist both, especially when you’re juggling a lot of responsibilities


"I don't think it's a coincidence that since I started the embodiment practices, I'm on track to make my first 5-figure month in business & it's not even a "busy" period..."


Things are definitely moving & I like that you don't have to intellectualize everything.  Also I should mention Ali, as I don't think it's a coincidence, that [since starting the embodiment practices] I'm on track to make my first 5-figure month in business & it's not even a "busy" period. 

-Angela K.

Every woman is a goddess

In Return of Venus, you'll receive...

🌹access to 5 modules, each of which includes: an introduction video for the week, weekly journaling prompts, embodiment exercises & guided meditations/visualization practices


Week 1: Vulnerability

  • Week 1 Introduction Video
  • Journal Reflections
  • Daily Embodiment Practice (15 mins)
  • Emotional Release Practice (20 mins)
  • Ancestral Feminine [Mother] Healing Guided Meditation (18 mins)

Week 2: Expression (& Sound Healing)

  • Week 2 Introduction Video
  • Journal Reflections
  • Daily Embodiment Practice, Sound Activation with Bija Mantras (20 mins)
  • Reclaiming Your Authentic Expression Guided Meditation (24 mins)
  • The Jewel in the Lotus Mantra

Week 3: Nurturing and Nourishment

  • Week 3 Introduction Video
  • Journal Reflections
  • Daily Embodiment Practice (15 mins)

Week 4: Union - The Feminine and Masculine Polarities

  • Week 4 Introduction Video
  • Journal Reflections
  • Daily Embodiment Practice, 3-part Womb Breath (10 mins)
  • Quick Grounding Practice (4 mins)
  • Breath of Fire Practice (1 to 3 mins)

Week 5: Sensuality and Sacred Sexuality

  • Week 5 Introduction Video
  • Journal Reflections
  • Daily Embodiment Practice, Sensual Activation (25 mins)
  • Your Most Embodied Sensual Self Guided Visualization (24 mins)
  • Temple of Isis Transmission & Activation Guided Meditation (28 mins)
  • Final Thoughts & Honoring You
  • Venus Manifesto (PDF, 2 pages) 

🌹plus lots of juicy BONUS content

  • Return of Venus Gentle Embodiment Playlist on Spotify (link included, you can use this in the background when you do your daily embodiment practice)
  • Infinity Breath Embodiment Practice (11 mins; to connect the heart & womb) & Sensuality Embodiment Practice (22 mins; to tap into your sensuality through breath & movement, particularly by bringing awareness & vitality to the hip/pelvic area)
  • Shadow to Shekinah: Alchemy of the Dark Feminine Masterclass (video, 88 mins) 
  • Bliss: How to turn *any* relationship into a pathway of higher consciousness through the power of meditation (video, 60 mins conscious relationship class)
  • Feng Shui Your Bedroom for Love & Romance Workshop (video, 90 mins)
  • Rose Wisdom  - a curated list of my recommended rose plant resources (PDF doc, 7 pages)
  • Juicy Reading Recommendations - A Curated List of My Favs on Divine Feminine, Love, Sex & Tantric Healing (PDF doc, 3 pages)

🌹a VIP upgrade option if you'd like 1:1 support, which includes a 90-minute 1:1 session for the two of us to dive into personalized, intuitive support while you move through the self-study content

*investment is $222 USD or $555 USD with the VIP Upgrade; there's also a payment plan option available - scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page for details


"I've noticed a shift with him being the one to initiate intimacy over the last month, it's more playful & intenser chemistry ..."


In my relationship, I'm usually the instigator. He's a bit older than me & my sex drive is definitely higher than his. But the last month, I've noticed a shift in him being the one to initiate, more playful, intense. The energy between us is juicy!

-Angela K.

Video Poster Image

One last thing...

Babe, I know what it's like to yearn for deep love,  acceptance & an overflow of abundanceIn fact, I spent many years utterly disconnected from my body & heart, my creativity & from the source of love entirely. 

I remember what it felt like to look in the mirror & see my physical form as the enemy, a burden that needed constant "fixing". I ended up projecting that lack of trust & insecurity onto others, in turn repelling the intimacy & connection I longed for so badly.

Stuck in chronic loops of fear & scarcity, I went long stretches of time without making any money while navigating periods of transition in my personal life & business, because my creative/sexual life-force was stagnant & I had no idea how to surrender my ego's plan for the higher plan or be receptive while I was in that void space.

And in terms of love, because I wasn't honoring my body or pouring nurturing energy into myself, I tried to fill the void in unhealthy relationship dynamics by: craving validation from men to feel "desirable", swinging between the extremes of dating people I wasn't even attracted to because I feared being alone or being a hermit & avoiding intimacy altogether, settling for breadcrumbs, having poor boundaries & pursuing the same unavailable men, over & over again.

I longed for unconditional love & sacred union.

I'm here to tell you, after 10 years of embodied practice, that everything you're longing for outside of you, you already have within. The missing link is your connection to Source - because love, acceptance & abundance are an inside job.

As you nourish your body through devotional self-care & spiritual practice, you'll become a reservoir of love & creative energy, attracting all the resources you need.  As you come into inner union, harmonizing your internal state of being, you'll become a magnet for deeper intimacy & Sacred Union in partnership. 

Keep your vision clear & your faith strong, babe. What you seek is seeking you.  I'm honored to guide you on your journey back to love.

In devotion, 

Ali xx


Start your journey with Return of Venus here...

Return of Venus ($222, pay in full)

Receive instant access to the entire Return of Venus program, all 5 modules plus bonuses, here:

Return of Venus payment plan (2 x $133)

Receive instant access to the entire Return of Venus program, all 5 modules plus bonuses, for two monthly payments of $133 USD here:

Return of Venus course + VIP Upgrade, which includes a 90-minute 1:1 Session

If you'd like 1:1 support while you move through the 5-weeks of this self-study course, add on the VIP Upgrade (you'll see the option to add this on your checkout page before you complete your purchase, ONLY available pay in full payment option& receive instant access to the entire Return of Venus program plus a 90-minute 1:1 Session (which must be booked within 5 weeks of purchase), here:

Frequently Asked Questions