Magdalen Mysteries

8-Week Immersion of Tantric Alchemy for Women on the path of Sacred Intimacy

featuring the book: The Magdalen Manuscript by Tom Kenyon as a framework for the immersion


For the woman who knows it's time to devote yourself entirely to: Divine Love, Sacred Relationship & Tantric Union...


Babe, is this you?


🌹You feel a deep, intuitive, inexplicable soul resonance with the energy of Mary Magdalene, the Rose Path, the word Priestess,  Sisterhood of the Rose, the Feminine Way and/or the book, The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon

🌹You've got a burning desire for Sacred Union - you know you're not meant for an "ordinary" relationship, you refuse to settle for less than what your heart knows is intended for you in this lifetime - aka: an extraordinary, limitless spiritual connection that elevates you & everyone around you AND you're willing to do the inner work to call in & cultivate this kind of refined partnership

🌹You have an intense longing to merge with love, a lover & the Divine - this is your deepest heart's desire, one of the strongest driving forces in your life & something you can't even run from anymore (even if you've tried, it's futile...this is your destiny & you know it's time to go all in)

🌹You're extremely inspired by the concept of Conscious Partnership & Sacred Union (both your inner union & union with a beloved), & you've got a deep inner knowing that your soul is here to embody a higher consciousness template of Sacred Relationship  - not just for personal fulfillment, but also as an act of service to humanity

🌹You're incredibly drawn to spiritual/conscious relationship teachings, because no matter what you do, you always get redirected to the path of Divine Love/Deep Intimacy/Sacred Union & now you're ready to devote yourself entirely to this soul calling, 100% in?  

🌹You understand that you can't receive the commitment & devotion you long for in a partnership until you yourself  fully devote yourself to the path of divine love

🌹You're ready to prepare yourself for a Tantric Sacred Unionone where your relationship & intimacy is a pathway to higher consciousness, by creating an inner sense of safety in your body, integrating your emotional range with full ownership & unlocking your sacred sexual energy through meditation & embodiment practice

🌹You know you aren't just here to experience love & union in a partnership - you're here on Earth to be a devotee of love & embody love fully in this lifetime

🌹You don't shy away from taboo topics, including your own shadow aspects, and you agree that sex & spirituality are deeply intertwined

🌹You're ready to transcend your current distorted relationship patterns holding you back from Deep Intimacy & Sacred Union -  which includes deeper transformational shadow work to alchemize & integrate even more subtle patterns that will arise through tantric meditation practice & more advanced spiritual teachings (which we'll explore together) 

🌹Your Union feels very close energetically if you’re still single & you know it’s time to fully commit with devotion to your inner union in order for things to align OR You're currently in an established partnership where you intend to use & practice with the tools you’ll receive in this immersion

🌹You're ready to move beyond the emotional processing/talking-through-your-issues phases of women's group work & into a container that's centered in practice instead, so you're meeting new edges & continuing to expand in the realm of Conscious Relationship & Sacred Intimacy

What specific woman is this intimate 8-week container designed for?

 This immersion is by application only, as it involves a need for: 

🌹an extremely strong resonance with the concept of Sacred Union & a deep inner knowing that this is your soul's primary journey in this lifetime, therefore the sooner you devote to love & apply yourself, the sooner your relationship/spiritual path & higher purpose will reveal itself 

🌹a refusal to give up on the power of love, no matter how many times you've felt hurt or disillusioned - your soul knows to love & be loved is your purpose for incarnating this time around

🌹a willingness to surrender to the mystery, as this type of deep feminine practice requires a need to move beyond logic & embrace the realms of spirit & of the unknown

🌹a foundational level of relationship self-awareness & certain level of inner stability (you've already done some considerable relationship healing, so you're no longer struggling with patterns like codependency or mega attachment issues, like you might have been in the past)

🌹emotional maturity & strong ability to self-soothe

🌹 radical personal responsibility - to create a sustainable conscious relationship & receive more advanced spiritual relationship teachings, this is non-negotiable

🌹full participation in the private Telegram group & attending as many live calls as possible (no lurking or passive onlooking via replays only)

🌹practice >'ll need a strong desire & willingness to lean into spiritual practice (instead of "emotional processing", which is the focus of many women's relationship groups), as the immersion will be centered around a series of five intermediate-level tantric meditations & a *required* commitment to a daily meditation practice for the full 8 weeks 


What will we be doing in the immersion?

Over the course of 8 weeks, we'll be in daily application of a meditation/sensual embodiment practice and then will progress by incorporating each of the 5 tantric meditations inside of the book, The Magdalen Manuscript, working with each of these meditations separately for one week at a time, as well as using that book as a guide for the immersion (including completing the reading of the full book, if you haven't already)

I'll also be offering additional teachings on Conscious Relationship, Sacred Intimacy & Union, as well as some Tibetan Buddhist teachings to complement the material we'll be applying from The Magdalen Manuscript.


The immersion structure will be:

🌹at least 6 live calls, with time for a lecture on a specific theme/a few live guided meditation or embodiment practices/Q&A

🌹reading the entire book, The Magdalen Manuscript, over the course of our 8 weeks

🌹a daily meditation and/or embodiment practice, including moving through all 5 tantric meditations (aka: The Alchemies of Horus) inside of the book, The Magdalen Manuscript

🌹private Telegram group to connect in between calls

🌹an option to add on 1:1 support will be available (consists of (2) 45-minute 1:1 calls, which will take place over the course of our 8 weeks together)


If you're feeling called to apply for this immersion...

I'll be able to assess from your application (which you'll receive via email, once you join the waitlist below) how to best serve you, as well as ensure I cultivate a container with the highest level of integrity & energetic alignment for the women who join. 

There will be limited spaces available (maximum of 10 women), so please only join the waitlist below to fill out your application if what you've read on this page deeply resonates. More details, including pricing options, are included in the application. Early applications are already being received Winter/Spring 2024, so apply now.

Get on the waitlist to receive the link to apply for the immersion

Enter your information below to join the waitlist & receive the link to the immersion application.

Completed applications are *required* for consideration into the immersion. Everyone whose application is approved on the waitlist will receive the link to the full immersion landing page, with details to sign up, as soon as it's ready -  before it's available to the general public.  

Spaces are limited & waitlist applicants who are approved will receive first priority on available spots.

Tentative timing for the immersion will be Fall 2024 (spaces will be limited, apply now if you're interested)

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