$222.00 USD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

This is a year long program for a total of $2,664USD paid via 12 monthly payments of $222USD. Due to the nature of this course, there will be no refunds, exchanges, or credits upon purchase. If your payment fails, there will be a one week grace period before a $20 late fee is added per missed week. By clicking the above box, you agree to these terms.

Want a boost of extra support during your year inside of Rose Temple, with the option to drop in month-to-month as you wish?

Poof! Here's the answer, babe...

For an additional $99 USD/month, you'll receive:

  • a private group chat space in Telegram to ask me questions (beyond our monthly group Q+A call, where we have limited time) + receive responses 2x per week, during office hours

  • a place to connect with other women inside of Rose Temple in between our monthly group calls + experience a deeper sense of community over the course of your year

  • a space for extra accountability + a boost of momentum to stay focused month to month, which is especially helpful when the majority of the year's path consists of your self-led personal practices + as the practices build on each other to get more advanced as the year progresses

Rose Temple 2023

Rose Temple: a year of Devotion, Intimacy + Union

When you join Rose Temple, you’ll receive:

  • Access to the following 12 modules, rich with resources, for the year (access opens on February 20th):

    Death & Rebirth

    The Art of Allowing

    Desire & Devotion

    Sensual Awakening

    Sound Currents

    The Pleasure/Pain Spectrum

    Liberating Your Feminine Power

    Sacred Rage

    Tantric Alchemy (including the 5 tantric meditations from The Alchemies of Horus in The Magdalen Manuscript)

    The Sex Magic of Isis

    Starseeds + Galactic Frequencies

    Sacred Union

    *plus access to any additional updates + new content added during 2023*

  • The 12 modules consist of a variety of resources that compliment the monthly theme, including:

    -a daily meditation or embodiment practice for the month

    -downloadable daily practice tracker to use each month

    -journaling prompts 

    -guided meditations + visualizations

    -sensual + somatic embodiment practices (courtesy of trauma-informed Sensual Embodiment Facilitator Training with Desiree Monique of @sensualsomatic)

    -pranayama yogic breathwork practices

    -the 5 tantric meditations from The Alchemies of Horus in The Magdalen Manuscript

    *what’s included in each module varies month to month*

  • A roadmap outline with suggestions + recommendations for how to move through the self-paced content during the year    
  • One monthly (60-90) minute Q+A group call, where we’ll connect + have time for Q&A (my team will collect your questions a week in advance of the scheduled call) + some slots for hot seat mentoring (whoever shows up on the live calls has the opportunity to get personalized, on-the-spot guidance)
  • Books to purchase in advance (my personal Amazon Affiliate links are below) that we cover in Rose Temple:

    -Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power by Carolyn Elliott 

    -Unbound: A Woman’s Guide to Power by Kasia Urbaniak 

    -The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus + The Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon

If you join Rose Temple + you’d like to book any 1:1 (90) minute calls over the course of your year, you can do so with a special 10% discount (which you'll receive in your welcome email after you enroll).