Your Hot & Holy Era of Love starts now...


You've teleported 6 weeks into the future...

…and you’re reflecting back on the RAPID, LIFE-ALTERING-MAGIC you’ve experienced in your intimate world.💝

Your confidence?

Has been REIGNITED.🔥

When you hit an unexpected road bump or plot twist?

You're CALMLY handling it, instead of freaking the fuck out.

The people in your circle who weren't paying attention before are suddenly super-curious about why you're radiating such sexy positivity & how things have shifted so quickly for you...and they wanna know your secret. 😎 

Romantic offers are jumping out of the woodwork.

New & hotter opportunities are 💧dripping in💧 with ease.

Compliments are coming out of left field.

That lover you've had your eyes on who was nowhere to be has their eyes glued on you.👀 

You're being showered with messages, like:

“You're glowing”

“You've been on my mind lately”

“I want you now more than ever”

“You deserve the absolute BEST & you're worth it”

...and you happily receive it with open arms, knowing deep down that you've deserved to be this loved & cherished all along. 


Calling in your Legendary Love doesn't feel like some burdensome curse of eternal suffering or this impossible mystery anymore!!

💦 You’re overflowing with erotic energy & prioritizing pleasure, which makes you magnetic AF...people just want to be around you now

💖You know how keep your heart WIDE open to love & stay rooted in devotion, even if you're still single AND when your fears or insecurities get triggered 

💦 You finally understand that to attract the committed love of your life who completely cherishes you, you need to pour into you & put yourself first...and you're doing it, daily

🔥 You no longer look to a lover to save you or fill a void; you know they're a beautiful mirror to amplify & reflect back all the love you now know how to cultivate on your own

⚡You've graduated to a deeper level of surrender & trusting the process - fully committed to Union - regardless of being in the void


You’ve become 💥A WALKING EXAMPLE OF HOT & HOLY LOVE💥 and everybody feels it.

All the anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, and insecurity you used to feel when you thought about your love life (or lack thereof)?


Like…you remember this heavy stress about your romantic future & whether Union would happen for you in this life used to hang over your head like a black cloud…

…but now it's like this sunshine of self-awareness & personal power has dissolved the darkness & there's no going back.☀️

It’s like an unconditionally loving team of angels implanted themselves in your brain & are overriding all the self-sabotaging beliefs…

…so you just have this unshakable FAITH in yourself & in the power of unconditional love.🌹




 Hot & Holy Union Accelerator is... immersive 6-Week 1:1 mentorship designed as a your catalyst to epic, radical change in your romantic life & beyond. 

We'll rapidly get to the root of what's blocking you from coming into Union & prepare you for calling in the Sacred Partnership of a lifetime.


This is for the true devotees of love ready to

🔥Get out of romantic limbo & prepare to be fully claimed & cherished in Sacred Union, because you're ready for epic love; a "mainstream" relationship template hasn't ever felt right to you & you know it's time to exit your comfort zone of singledom 

🔥Cultivate a conscious, playful partnership with an electric sexual connection that's a portal to pleasure *and* higher consciousness

🔥Stay plugged into pleasure beyond the bedroom, because when you prioritize filling your own cup on the daily, you're a radiant, juicy magnet for big love & abundance  

"Until you make the unconscious 

conscious, it will direct your life and

you will call it fate." 

-Carl Jung

I know what it's like to long for a legendary, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love...

💕that makes people believe in love again, after they've been majorly hurt or disappointed

💕that makes even literal strangers on the street turn their heads & stare

💕that uplifts the energy in a room when you walk in together

💕that has the power to change the world, simply by being a living, breathing example of what's possible

💕that'll even make people envious or activate their limiting beliefs, because to them it might seem too good to be true (yes, it happens)

... but I also know what it's like to fall asleep alone in bed night after night, unsure if this kind of epic partnership that feels so alive in your soul is really meant to come into full fruition for you or not. 

Can you relate?

⚡Maybe romance has been on the backburner & you feel overall happy & solid in your independence, but Sacred Union is still the deepest longing in your heart

⚡Perhaps you've also been single for awhile now (or it's going on years & you're not seeing an end in sight)

⚡You've done a LOT of personal development, but are still experiencing the same lingering relationship blocks; like, attracting people who aren't 100% ready to commit & excited to devote their whole heart to you

⚡You're seeing other happy couples in your orbit in this kind of Union, which is a direct reflection of how much you've healed to have all this evidence it's possible, yet at this point you can't help but secretly think, "okay, but when's it going to be my turn?"

⚡You've created a pretty awesome life on your own & now you're ready to be cherished & fully seen in a committed, monogamous & playful partnership, where you feel safe to be vulnerable, expressive & erotically uninhibited

⚡You're not sure what steps to take next to bring you closer into Union, especially if you're not dating or you're terrified to open up again after past disappointments

If this is you, I see you & I'm here to walk you into your next chapter of Hot & Holy Union.



❌ No more trying to feast on breadcrumbs of someone's attention or entertaining those who aren't 100% available & equally as obsessed with you

❌No more settling for mediocre relationships - or worse, murky undefinable situationships - when what you want is a Sacred Partnership that's so fucking RADICAL, it changes the world & inspires others to love again

❌No more silently envying other people's powerful, loving relationships, while you sit like an outsider on the sidelines

❌No more telling yourself a legendary love "just isn't for me in this lifetime" because you've been a lone wolf for so long 

You yearn for something deep, profound & different from the mainstream...because that's the kind of love you're meant to experience this time around, period.

Most relationships are transactional; the type of love you're creating is unconditional.


 Over the course of 6-weeks inside Hot & Holy Union Accelerator, I'll help you:

instantly clarify even the sneakiest intimacy blocks that have you attracting mixed signals, chasing the wrong lovers or avoiding love altogether, plus why you keep repeating these cycles, despite doing a ton of "healing work" already

understand the *key* practices you need to implement ASAP to attract a Conscious Partner who happily wants to commit to you

⚡stop moving through life on auto-pilot - burned-out &  overly-goals focused - & feel regularly lit up with erotic life-force, connected to your sensuality & pleasure instead

⚡feel confident enough to take the bigger, scarier & necessary leaps of faith in ANY area of your life that requires a vibrational shift to create an epic Union

We'll do this through a blend of:

🔥my unique Shadow Alchemy Method to immediately identify your *exact unconscious blocks* currently repelling the devoted love & overflow of abundance you deserve

🔥intuitive coaching - I'm psychic AF & have worked with hundreds of people 1:1 over the last decade, so I get to the root of the patterns that are keeping your love life in a chokehold within only a handful of sessions 

🔥Tibetan Buddhist meditation practices to rewire your subconscious mind to be able to attract, receive & sustain Legendary Love

🔥yogic breathwork & tantric meditations to activate your creative & sexual life-force energy, which brings you, your magnetism & your libido back to life


“Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.”

— Hafiz

Become a love that doesn't leave.

I'll teach you how to create the devoted love & partnership you desire from within & the way to keep your heart open in all circumstances, no matter what.

I'm talking, sharing years of embodied life experience & ancient Tibetan Buddhist wisdom with you on how to actually love people...

❌ not to use your affection as a way to control, punish, manipulate or push your agenda


❌not to abandon ship as soon as your ego gets triggered & things get hard (hint: they do 😂)

In fact, I know - as a strong, independent person (& biz owner on top of it) -  how easy it is to fall into life on auto-pilot, where you're used to doing life alone & responsibilities are hanging over your head, while love & pleasure are the LAST thing on your mind.

The flipside is, the more you’re radiating joy & pleasure, the more magnetic you are to love.  People will suddenly want to be around you, enjoying your energy. 

In Hot & Holy Union Accelerator, we take this to another level.

Before it's a habit, we all need reminders to stay plugged into love as the anchor & pleasure as a priority - especially when we're single - just like we need someone to catch us when we’re self sabotaging or putting ourselves last again; this shit takes reprogramming.

You deserve to be 💕cherished by the Love of Your Life💕 & that starts with treating yourself the same way & honoring your own values. And what better way to do that than to invest in learning how to💦 pour into yourself & re-center love💦 , so you're finally embodying the qualities you seek in a partner (which is what attracts your energetic match in Union).

No more putting romance on the backburner simply because you're not in a relationship yet, because the truth is: energy goes where attention flows. There comes a time when you've actually got to center love & go all in instead of avoiding it in order to attract it. 

This is precisely the point where I step in to support you...

...because I'm walking my talk & I know all the sneaky ways that your subconscious mind will try to sabotage the 🔥Hot & Holy Love🔥 you desire most.

If deep down you know this is what you need & as you're reading this, you’re like, “Oh shit, she’s talking TO ME”then click below to apply...


I've been on the path of Sacred Union for over 10 years now... I'm very familiar with the highs & lows, intense challenges & tests of faith that'll inevitably present themselves to initiate you into Divine Love & Conscious Partnership. I had to commit to the path of unconditional love & learn to respond in NEW ways (not just remain in the old reactive loops, expecting a different result) long before any physical "proof" appeared in my life. 

SO, BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER...consider this a little warning ;)⚡

...know that when you choose to go all in on Sacred Union, ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that isn't aligned with love & your highest destiny will need to be released, including some potentially MAJOR attachments to what feels "safe" or "comfortable" (like mediocre jobs, living situations, long-term relationships or marriages, even dissolving family units that may fit the status quo, but aren't serving your soul's growth anymore).

You'll have to clean up any areas that are still out of integrity in order to be a full energetic match to your highest relationship timeline.

🌹This journey really kicked off when I read the book, The Magdalen Manuscript by Tom Kenyon. This period ended up being the catalyst for me becoming one of the pioneers of Sacred Relationship content on YouTube in 2015, years before anything like that went mainstream.

I also chose to abstain from sexual partnership as a devotional practice, going at least 4-5 years at a time without being intimate with anyone, while simultaneously using tantric meditations to raise my consciousness, clear out unhealthy relationship patterns & learn to feel whole on my own first. I even took my initial set of Tibetan Buddhist vows in spring 2024, which includes a promise of total sobriety. No more numbing out or avoiding anything, honestly.

Conscious Partnership is an accelerated container for spiritual evolution.

It's the ultimate mirror, as your lover will illuminate everything within you & bring it into your conscious awareness for integration -  from the divine light to the darkest shit. You can never escape yourself on this path.

⚡I won't sugarcoat'll UNDOUBTEDLY have to navigate periods of unrest, discomfort, letting go, void spaces, endings, disillusionment, grief & loss, too.  Love will ask you to get uncomfortable, baby! And that's why I'm here to support you, because to create Union, you need to be available for the full experience that committing to love will ask of you. 


"I feel this is the best investment I've made in myself, probably ever..."

"Over a 6-week journey with Ali, I found what I had been wanting mostreal change with real results. 

While I'm in my mid-50s & have spent years in self-guided spiritual practice, I still wasn't receiving my truest desired outcomes. Putting her intuition, experience & resources to work, Ali's guidance has forever altered my perspectives, practices & outcomes.

She helped me:

🔥build self-awareness & clear out the hidden, shadowy places in my subconscious mind that I didn't know how to navigate, which were unconsciously creating disappointing outcomes in many aspects of my life

🔥clearly identify my power & energy leaks & how to resolve them 

🔥create very quick results by providing a potent container for radical self-honesty & deep self-discovery 

At the start of our 6 weeks, my energy was chaotic, I felt stuck & I'd been struggling in several areas of my life:

burned-out in a job that was out of alignment with my values & financial needs

in serious debt 

heartbroken over a breakup with someone I'd expected to spend my life with

⚡& living sparsely in a condo that my ex still owned

With Ali’s support, I found the courage to:

🔥take a huge leap of faith to resign from my job with no replacement, yet hopes to rebuild my income with the same customers


🔥the strength & confidence to communicate that I was leaving the ex’s condo, despite no idea where to go and months left on the lease

In both cases, positive shifts came so quickly that it was unreal.

Only 4 days after informing my ex of my desire to move, a cash buyer appeared inquiring about the off-market condo for immediate possession, setting me free from my lease way earlier than expected

 Within 48 hours of that, I randomly learned of a fabulous new apartment in a “conscious” mind-body-spirit community with a special move-in deal of several months free rent

A week later, I had the keys in hand & was moved into my new apartment

⚡Then I met a gorgeous woman who's a healer/retreat facilitator at the airport *serendipitously* while on a weekend biz trip...& she invited me to Bali

And within only a couple of months of taking a challenging leap of faith to leave my previous job (also with Ali's support to resign), by the end of our 6 weeks, my income had increased 4x per pay cycle 

Real results.

Now I feel clearer about living in integrity with my highest values, empowered with my spiritual practice, energized & more intentional than ever. I'm fully committed to putting my new practices to work to create lasting change – & so much joy. As my spiritual mentor, my trusted friend, & my accountability partner, I look forward to continuing this mentorship path with Ali."

-Chris B. 

This is for you if you want:

⚡to graduate from the hyper-independent single life (& stop telling yourself stories that the epic love you want seems "unlikely") & prepare to call in Conscious, Committed, Playful love where you're *fully claimed* & know you're both ALL IN through thick & thin

⚡to know how to dissolve your trust issues & keep your heart open to love, even after past rejection & disappointment or while you're in the void

⚡to easily receive just as much as you give in return, instead of over-extending yourself to the point of exhaustion & resentment in attempts to "secure" connection

⚡to feel Confident & Sensually Alive, especially when you’re single - instead of feeling like your pleasure or radiance is dependent on a partner

⚡the skills to transform a distorted relationship dynamic from chasing a non-committal love interest who's running for the hills to a lover excitedly taking you off the market, because they're SO sure you're the One

to create a devoted partnership that's ever-evolving, so your connection will keep getting deeper & hotter on ALL levels over time (& say fuck right off to the myth that "passion fades")

⚡the capacity to handle the bumpy, messy learning curves in Sacred Relationship with grace, instead of sabotaging intimate connection as soon as things get tough



$2222 USD


  • (6) total 90-minute 1:1 calls to meet once per week

  • a detailed application (link below) to fill out before signing up to get crystal-clear about your intentions & goals for our 6 weeks together, to ensure this space is the right fit for you & to make the absolute most out of this immersive container

  • Telegram Private Chat Support available 4-5 days per week to support you in-between weekly calls with your assignments & for any additional questions or guidance

  • Access to a personal Google Drive, organized with weekly folders where all your assignments, journal prompts & meditation practices will live (this also makes it easy to access everything from your phone OR laptop)
  • Fire under your ass, rapid clarity, powerful accountability, intuitive guidance (including tarot/oracle readings), playfulness & a LOT of loving support, as you create a radical & intimate personal transformation over the next 6 weeks; we'll be making magic, collapsing timelines & blowing your logical mind 😝

  • Note: Details for a split payment plan are in the application

  • Limited Space: max of 2 spots per month available for this offer